MicroLouvre® screens installation for a nursing home

The Customer

We installed MicroLouvre® screens for a nursing home in Midlands.

The Problem

Our customer had extreme heat gain issues as well as light glare problems within their nursing home. The customer was looking for a solution that would eliminate these problems whilst still allowing a complete view out of the windows.

The Solution

After discussing our various different exterior shading options we concluded that MicroLouvre® screens would be the best solution for their needs. Not only do the provide a full ‘view through’ they are also ideal for reducing heat gain and glare. MicroLouvre® screens can reduce HVAC of up to 68%!

The Product

We installed the MicroLouvre® screens externally throughout the nursing homes top level glazing.

For more information on our MicroLouvre® screens please get in touch with our team.

The Square Genius

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